Thursday, April 9, 2009

Missouri moves for major changes in CCDW law

As our members and friends know, KC3 is now in the process of collecting signatures on a petition in support of changing our statutes to legalize the possession of firearms on school property.

Missouri was behind us in getting their CCDW law passed, but they're making up for lost time in a big way -

"Jefferson City — Legislation lowering the minimum age for obtaining a concealed-weapons permit and allowing concealed guns at public colleges and universities received first-round approval Wednesday in the Missouri House." (You can read the rest of it here -)

It goes to show that we can't rest on our laurels and be content with what we have now. We have to keep pushing to expand our rights. That means getting those signatures and being ready to hit the General Assembly hard in 2010 so we get the improvements that we know we need!

Contact KC3 for copies of the petition or copy it from your newsletter, then mail the signed copies in to us.

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