Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Which guns for the raffle?

We've had tremendous success with our raffle this year, so much so that we're already looking ahead to the next one.
We're also considering a change in the way that we conduct them, and to having more than one raffle each year.

We'd like to have your input on which guns you'd like to have us put in the raffle, so please use the comments section on this posting to give us your opinions. Should we raffle another AR, or should we concentrate on pistols for personal defense? Should we raffle another AR and pistol package like this one?
Let us know what you think, and thanks.


Anonymous said...

I would like to see one item per raffle. My current favorites might be a Taurus Judge 3" chamber, Les Baer Thunder Ranch Special 1911, and a Sabre Defense AR.
Could additional interest/money be raised with a monthly raffle of less expensive items, maybe Crimson Trace grips for the gun of winners choice, next month a Kalispel case, then a brick of ammo, or ...?

scotty b said...

I think a M1Grand would be a great rifle to raffle. I do agree with Chuck that the Les Bear Thunder Ranch 1911 is cool and would also like to see something along those lined. But as far as a rifle pr assault rifle is concerned the M1Grand would be a great gun to raffle off.
-scotty b