Saturday, August 29, 2009

Open Carry picnic cancelled

The city of Lexington decided to throw their weight around, and put a requirement for a MILLION DOLLAR insurance policy on the event, since it was advertised to the public.

If you're out in the park on Sunday, the 30th, you might want to look around and see if you notice any like-minded persons out there. If you do, stop by and bring your picnic stuff.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Another step for concealed carry on campus

Not in Kentucky, but a good thing, nonetheless.

Read about it here.

Don't forget these important dates in September

Here's the dates for the Lexington and Louisville gun shows in September -
KC3 will have a table and representatives at each of these gun shows. If you'd like to come out and help us, get in touch with us via the comments section on this post.

Celebrating our rights!

The good folks at the Open Carry organization are going to be holding their first ever public event to demonstrate the fact that in Kentucky your right to carry a firearm openly on your person in public is constitutionally protected.

We hope that many of you will find the time to get out and show your support for this event.
In a time when so many forces in government are working to restrict or destroy your rights it's crucial that we take each and every opportunity we have to get out and show the world that we're here and we're decent people who keep the peace, just like everyone else.
A right unexercised is a right denied!
See you there.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More lies from the media about concealed carry

Here's an expose of some extremely shoddy work by the Violence Policy Center, a group that's notorious for bad research and extreme anti-gun positions.

In a recent release, they try to brand concealed carry as dangerous to the public because of the misconduct of some persons who had CCDW permits.
But people who read their study and took the time to analyze the data and pick it apart have written an article about it, and shown how hopelessly prejudiced and badly researched it was.
You can read about it HERE.